Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye: Are you a Partaker or an Onlooker?


You have been attending various church services; the question to ask at this juncture is; are you a partaker or an onlooker?
Who is a partaker and who is an onlooker? A partaker is someone who receives a part of a share; a partaker is a beneficiary while an onlooker is a spectator or a witness.
The partakers make things happen
while the onlookers watch things happen.

On the day of Pentecost according to Acts 2, three (3) categories of people were in attendance;
Category No. 1:  The partakers or the beneficiaries; they were the Disciples who received the power of the Holy Spirit. On that day, the disciples got the unction to function; they got the power or the anointing to do exploit. However, they all paid the price before they became partakers;
·         They were born again: They weren’t church goers.
·         They were in one accord with one another: there was no racial discrimination, no class distinction, no big I and little you.
·         They were divinely connected; your connection can determine your collection.
·         They were in the right place; your location can determine your allocation.
·         They were available for Christ; God is not looking for ability; He is looking for availability. Isaiah 6:8.

In Mark 10: 46-52, the day Blind Bartimeaus encountered Jesus, many people were in attendance but only he was a partaker; the rest were onlookers/spectators/witnesses.
According to John 5:1-9, the man with 38years infirmity was very close to the pool but he never enjoyed the power from the pool (proximity without encounter). He was a spectator, a commentator and also a witness to the miracles of others for many years but he became a partaker when Jesus intervened. There were many people at the pool side but Jesus singled him out among the multitude for the miraculous.
PRAYER: God will single you out for the miraculous in Jesus’ name.
In 2 Kings 2:1-10, Elisha followed Elijah but the 50 sons of the prophets were fans/spectators/onlookers/observers. They were watching and all waited for Elisha to return from Jordan. When Elisha returned with the mantle of power, the 50 sons of the prophets bowed to him.

Category No. 2:  The people in this group are the Onlookers/Spectators/Witnesses/Observers; they were present on the day of Pentecost just to watch what happened to the partakers. Spectators or onlookers always hail or push the partakers to their destiny. The onlookers are usually in the class of the Rest; thsy form the crowd or th3e majority; they belong to the class of others.

Category No. 3: The Commentators/Mockers. They to were present on the day of Pentecost; they were there in order to report what happened. The commentators like the spectators are the talkers or mockers; they have no secret and they cannot keep one. Brethren, beware of the commentators; they have double mouths; they flatter people in their presence and slander them in their absence. They shouted Hosanna to Jesus and they later shouted, Crucify Him!!!

I have goodnews for those who want to change position. God is the unchangeable changer, He can turn an onlooker to a partaker; He can also turn a commentator to a partaker…
Do you want to be a partaker???

1.       Father, I need a divine intervention, please remove my name from the register of onlookers in the name of Jesus.
2.       Father, please make me a partaker of the miraculous in Jesus’ name.
3.       Father, let all my mockers bow to my maker; let them see your handwriting upon my life in Jesus’ name.

God bless you and may your payers be answered in Jesus’ name. You can drop your prayer requests in the comment box below. See you next week. SHALOM!!
