Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye- God Of Immediately


Immediately or instantly means without delay or hesitation. God has the ability to do all things including those that are considered impossible – Jeremiah 32:27.
Certain miracles may take some time before they manifest. While, some manifest immediately.
After Lazarus had already been buried for days, he was stinking before the arrival of Jesus. Everyone thought it was over but Jesus told Martha that Lazarus would rise again. Martha replied in John 11:24 saying “I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection of the last day”. What a contrast! Jesus was talking about the present but Martha was talking about the future – John 11.

In the Bible, certain people experienced delay in receiving their miracles while some got theirs immediately. Below are some of those who encountered the “God of Immediately”;

1.       Matthew 20:30-34: Two blind men cried for mercy when they met Jesus; He had compassion on them; He touched their eyes and IMMEDIATELY, they received their sight and they followed Jesus.
2.       Mark 1:29-31: Jesus went to Peter’s house and saw his mother-in-law sick of fever; He touched her hand and IMMEDIATELY, she was healed.
3.       Matthew 8:2&3: A leper went to Jesus and worshipped Him; Jesus put forth His hand and touched and IMMEDIATELY, his leprosy was cleansed.
4.       Matthew 14:30&31: When Peter saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid and he began to sink; he cried out for help and IMMEDIATELY, Jesus caught him.
5.       Luke 13:11-13: A woman who had a spirit of infirmity for 18years encountered Jesus; Jesus laid his hands on her and IMMEDIATELY, she was made straight and glorified God.
6.       John 5:1-9: Jesus visited a pool in Bethseda; He singled out a man who had an infirmity for 38years; Jesus spoke and IMMEDIATELY, the man was made whole; he took up his bed and walked.
7.       Luke 8:43&44: A woman who had an issue of blood for 12years touched the helm of Jesus; garment, and IMMEDIATELY, her issue of blood ceased.

1.       God of immediately, please have mercy on me.
2.       God of immediately, Like Peter, I am sinking, please help me.
3.       God of immediately, please take away from me anything you did not plant in my life and home in Jesus’ name.
4.       God of immediately, please put all my enemies to shame.
