Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye - The Rescuer/Deliverer
TEXT: MATTHEW 14: 23-31
A person who delivers or saves one from harm or danger is a Rescuer. According to the text, the disciples experienced physical turbulence. The wind was contrary. Many children of Gos are experiencing turbulences in their finances, businesses?offices, homes and lives.
The text contains some revelations;
Revelation 1
Peter did the unusual. HE WALKED ON WATER. He was able to do this because he obeyed divine instruction. Jesus told him to do do. PHIL 4:13.
Peter was able to wal on water because Jesus was present. The presence of the lord can provoke the miraculous.
Peter walked on water because Jesus suspenede the law of gravity. God can suspend natural and human laws for your sake.
Peter walked on water because he had the faith to do so. All thimgs are possible to him that believeth.
Peter was able to walk on water because he wa soj agreement/ cooperation with Jesus. AMOS 3:3.
Elijah walked inside Jordan River, Elisha too walked inside Jordan River, The Children of Israel walked inside the red sea but Peter walked on the water.
Revelation 2
Always look unto Jesus.
Peter did the unusual whe he focused on Jesus.
He later lost focus when he looked at the situation/problem.
He saw the wind boisterous and he began to sink.
What you see can determine whet ypu will get.
For example; Joseph saw greatness and he became great, the chief butler saw restoration and he was restored, King Pharaoh saw abundance and scarcity and he experienced both, the chief baker saw death and he died. WHAT CAN YOU SEE? HEB 12:2a
Peter looked and saw a contrary wind. Immediately, the weight of fear and doubt pulled him down.
Revelation 3
There is power in the mouth. This power provokes attention.
Peter cried unto Jesus saying ‘ Lord, save me.’
He cried unto Jesus NOT unto man.
Peter cried out, a closed mouth is a closed destiny. PSALM 46:1.
You are not permitted to weep but you can cry out. PSALM 50: 14 &15.
Revelation 4
Jesus is a Resurer or a Deiverer. HE stretched forth his hand and rescued Peter.
Jesus, the Rescurer always rescued Peter whenever Peter was in crisis. E.g. when Peter had no money to pay the tribute collector, Jesus intervened and rescued him. MATT 14: 24-27
Peter failed to catch fish despite his great effort. In the morning, Jesus intervened and rescued Peter. LUKE 5
Peter was arrested by the order of King Herod. There was a divine intervention and peter was rescued. ACTS 12
Peter and his friends failed to catch fish despite the fact that they labored throughout the night. In the morning, Jesus intervened and rescued them. In the passage, Peter was sinking as a result of doubt and fear, he cried out to the rescuer, Jesus rescued him. JOHN 21.
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