Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye - Oil To Sell
Topi: Oil To Sell
Text: 2 Kings 4:1-7
Preacher: Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye
Oil can mean many things. It can mean the Anointing that is needed to enable one make unusual sales and profit. Oil to sell can also mean a product or a commodity to market or sell for profit making.
In the case of the widow, she had little oil to sell or little product to sell. The widow like many of us had many challenges;
1. She was a poor widow.
2. She was a debtor.
3. She had little oil to sell.
4. She did not have enough empty vessels.
5. The creditor want to take away her two sons to be slaves.
6. She had no helper to help her pay her creditor.
So she took a decision;
- She cried out to Elisha. Who is Elisha to this widow? (A timely helper). You cannot defeat a full time devil with a part time prayer life. A closed mouth is a closed destiny.
Note which is contrary to our expectations;
- Elisha did not offer or give the widow money.
- He did not speak to the creditor.
Instead of giving the widow fish, Elisha showed her how to catch fish. Elisha asked the widow what she had in the house and she said she had nothing except a pot of oil.
If you have a pot of oil, no matter how little it is, you must start something.
Please always value or appreciate what you have. God may use what you have to give you what you need.
Elisha told her not to borrow a few but to borrow many empty vessels.
- The widow obeyed the man of God, she did what the man of God asked her to do.
- There was a divine intervention. God multiplied the widows little oil
- The widow sold the oil and she made more than enough profit
- She was able to pay her creditor
- She retained her two sons and
- She had more than enough for consumption.
When you consume what you should sell, it is a danger sign.
Many people are looking for a full or loaded vessel. You need to know that God can use empty vessels to prosper you. For example, in Luke 5:1-10 , Jesus told Peter to go to the sea and cast his empty net. Peter did and he had a net tearing and a boat sinking catch.
God is interested in your empty net. When you come before God and ask for mercy, you are telling God you are empty. Some of you are empty but pretend to be loaded, who are you deceiving?
There are some lessons you must take home from the story of the poor widow.
1. The widow cried out for help, after that, her story changed:
- Blind Bartimaeus cried out for help before his sight was restored.
- A woman of Canaan who was affected because her daughter was infected with a demon cried out for help and before she got home, her daughter was delivered.
- The ten lepers encountered Jesus and cried out for help and they were all cleansed. If you do not have someone to cry unto, then cry to Jesus.
All the people that cried to Jesus for help were never disappointed. Today, you will cry out and you won't be disappointed in Jesus name. Amen.
2. The widow used the Available to provoke the Desirable. She used what she had (a pot of oil) to get out of debt and to get what she needed. You have oil, sell it because everyday that passes takes us nearer home. Take care of yourself, take care of your family. Use what you have, the available to provoke what you want, the desirable. You have that oil, it may be little, use it, utilize it.
3. Faith in God provoked the miraculous. The widow believed. She did what the man of God told her to do. 2 Chronicles 20:20b, Mark 9:23.
4. God can exceed your expectations. Ephesians 3:20. She paid her creditor and still had more than enough after paying her creditor.
5. Don't limit yourself. Limitation is an offer from Satan. You must always reject the devil's offer if you want to go far in life. The widow limited herself. The man of God told her to borrow empty vessels and not a few. If she had borrowed enough empty vessels, she would have enough to sell and have enough money but she limited herself. Don't limit yourself.
6. Thank God for the threat from the creditor. The creditor gave the widow a push. God can use your present ugly situation to take you to the next level.
Please take note of the following;
1. Have good character. Be polite and be cheerful. This will make you retain your customers or clients. You good character will also get you new customers.
2. Be current. If you are not current, you cannot be correct. If you do not move, you can be removed.
3. Be Available. Shine your eyes. Don't leave your business to be handled by sales girls or sales boys. Some of them will drive away your customers, some can even steal your money. Be there and be available all the time.
4. Package your products well. Make them different from others. Make your product attractive in order to outshine others.
5. Publicity: Create awareness. Make use of social media to publicize your products.
6. Do Research. You can improve or make your product better.
There are competitors out there, so you must add value to your products.
You have that oil to sell, you may not consider it as anything, start from somewhere. Use what you have to get what you want. Don't wait for people to give you money. Let people teach you how to catch fish and God will bless you in Jesus name.
You have that oil, sell that oil, don't consume it, sell it, you will make profit and from that profit you will have what to consume and you will have what to retain.
Do you want God to help you? It wasn't the man of God that visited the widow, it was the widow that went to the man of God and presented her case and to the glory of God she never regretted it. If you want God to help you, you need to come and surrender your life to Jesus Christ. You need to come as an empty vessels and you will go loaded. You need to come and report yourself to God, come as empty and not full and not loaded so that God can fill you. Come to Him now and surrender your life to Him.
Ask Him to have mercy on you, ask Him to wash away your sin by His blood, ask Him to save you and make you His child and promise Him never to go back to your sin again. Ask Him to help you and fill your emptiness and fulfil His promises in your life.
Prayer point.
- Father I thank you for everything you have done for me and for everything you have done through me, please take all the glory.
- Father, I cry unto you today, please multiply my little oil/product/commodity in the name of Jesus.
- Father, Anointing to prosper, release upon me now in Jesus name.
- Father, please polish me, purify me, cleanse me and let me shine physically, maritally, spiritually in Jesus name
- Father, anything or anyone you did not plant in my body or business, please uproot in the name of Jesus.
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