Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye: Who Is Your Elijah?

TEXT: 1KINGS 17:8-16

One day God arranged a meeting between Elijah and a poor widow. After the meeting, the widow moved from grass to grace, her level and story changed. She became a reference point.
According to the passage, the widow of Zarephath encountered Elijah (Her Helper).
Who is your Elijah?
*God used Elijah for that poor widow
*God used Elijah for Elisha – 2Kings 2.
*You need a leader as a ladder

*You need someone to get somewhere in life.
*God can use anyone for you;
In 2Kings 17: God used Elijah to restore a widow’s son.
In 1Kings 18: God used Elijah to overthrow the prophets of Baal
*Your Elijah may not necessarily be a man of God but he must be a man from God.
*The widow of Zarephath discovered Elijah before her story changed; there must be a discovery before a recovery.
*God opened a new chapter for the widow after she did two major things;
1. She gave her last meal to Elijah; she gave up her seed in order to obtain her fruits. Many people want to receive but they are not willing to give. Luke 6:38. It is your deposit that determines your withdrawal. The widow used the available to provoke the desirable; she used what she had to obtain what she needed.
2. The widow believed Elijah (The Prophet of God): There are fake and genuine prophets. The genuine prophets are the prophets of God. Ignore the fake prophets and believe the genuine prophets. 2Chronicles 20:20b, Mark 9:23.

What happened after the widow gave her last meal?
1.       She changed position.
2.       God reversed her expectation: The widow thought she was going to die but she lived.
3.       God exceeded her expectation: She got more than she desired.

1.       Father, I need help. Please send my Elijah to me in Jesus’ name.
2.       Father, please relocate me to the class of more than enough in Jesus’ name.
3.       Father, please reverse my ugly situation in Jesus’ name.

God bless you and may your payers be answered in Jesus’ name. You can drop your prayer requests in the comment box below. See you next week. SHALOM!!
