Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye - God Of Peter

Topic: God Of Peter
Preacher: Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye

Peter was a committed follower of Jesus
He was one of the favorites of Jesus.
Wherever Jesus had important places to go, Peter,James and John were chosen to go with him.

In Exodus 3:6, God introduced Himself as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.
In 2 Kings 2:14, Elisha called Him the God of Elijah.
In Jeremiah 32:27, God said that He is the God of all flesh
Therefore, He is the God of Peter.

Who is the God of Peter and What did He do for Peter?
1. The God of Peter is the unchangeable changer: Peter had a background but God did not allow his background put him on the ground. Peter was a fisherman; after a divine encounter, Jesus changed him from a fisherman to a fisher of men - Luke 5:10, Matthew 4:19.

2. The God of Peter is the God of Breakthrough:  Luke 5:1-10, Peter toiled/struggle, yet his great efforts produced no result. He encountered Jesus and surrendered to Him. Jesus compensated him with a Net breaking and a boat sinking catch.

3. The God of Peter is the God of Provision: He can bring out something out of nothing - Matthew 17:27

4. The God of Peter is a Deliverer: In Matthew 14:28-31, Peter did the unusual; he walked on water. When he saw the boisterous wind, he was afraid and began the sink. He cried out for help; Jesus stretched forth His hand and delivered him.
In Acts 12:1-10, After King Herold killed James, he arrested Peter; the church prayed for Peter, God sent an Angel to deliver him.

5. The God of Peter is the God of Possibility: He can reverse/cancel the enemies plans. In Luke 22:31&32, Satan desired to destroy Peter, unfortunately, Peter was not aware until Jesus told him. Jesus prayed for Peter and Satan failed over him. Jesus cancelled the plan of satan over Peter.

6. The God of Peter is a direction: In 1 John 21:1-6, Peter and his friends went to catch fish. they all laboured throughput the night without any result. Jesus intervened and directed them to the right side of the boat and then they caught multiple.

7. the god of peter is the God of Power: he empowers. in act 5;1-10, Peter spoke, Ananias and Sapphira his wife died. In Act 9:36-40, Peter was invited when Dorcas died, he spoke and Dorcas came back to life.

1. The God of Peter, i desire a breakthrough please open the door for me in Jesus name.
2. The God of Peter, i am stagnant i need a change please remember me today in Jesus name.
3. The God of Peter, please deliver me from all my enemies in Jesus name
4. The God of Peter, i need help please help me this month in Jesus name
5. The God of Peter, let me locate my fish in Jesus name
