Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye - Divine Expectation

TEXT: MATTHEW 25:14-30

Man has expectations;
God also has expectations
The good news is God has the ability to meet and exceed man’s expectations – Ephesians 3:20

The above text is a story of talents distribution. According to the passage, the master who gave the talents had expectations. He was expecting his servants to be faithful, productive and fruitful. He gave his servants seeds (talents) and he was expecting them to turn them to FRUITS.

There are certain facts from the story

1.       AVAILABILITY: 3 servants were available – God is not looking for Ability, He is looking for Availability – Isaiah 6:8. Are you available? The harvest is great but the laborers are few. Don’t be satisfied as a church-goer; be a worker; be a player and not a spectator.

2.       ABILITY: The master gave talents to the servants that were available. Those talents were not evenly or equally distributed. Each of the servants was empowered according to their ability. To whom much is given, much is expected – Luke 12:48b.

3.       RESPONSIBILITY: The master was expecting the servants to use their talents. He wanted them to turn the raw materials into finished products. You must turn your seeds to fruits, this is a divine expectation. The first and second servants utilized or invested their talents but the third servant buried/hid his one talent. “Hardwork defeats talent if talent doesn’t work hard”.

4.       ACCOUNTABILITY: When the master returned, all three servants gave account of their stewardship. Brethren, we will all give account of our works – Romans 14:12. All of us are accountable to master Jesus; when He returns, we shall give account of our stewardship.

5.       COMMENDATION & CONDEMNATION: These two are rewards. The first and the second were commended for being productive and fruitful. Their master called them good and faithful servants. The third servant who was unproductive was condemned. The master called him wicked and slothful. He was a disappointment to his master.

Fruitfulness is a divine expectation. God expects you and I to use the available in order to provoke the desirable. He wants us to use what we have (our talents/gifts/time/money/resources) no matter how small or little to get what we desire.  In Matthew 21:19, the fig tree that failed to bear fruits was cursed and it withered.

God expects every one of us to be productive – John 15:16.
God has already blessed you; He expects you to be a blessing to others.
Brethren, Jesus our master will soon return, what type of reward do you desire from him? A commendation or a condemnation? If you want him to commend you, then do what he desires of you.

1.       Father, I thank you for blessing me, please give me the grace to be a blessing to others in Jesus name.
2.       Father, I need help, please don’t let me be like the 3rd servant..
3.       Father, before this month expires, please let me find favour in Jesus’ name.
God bless you and may your payers be answered in Jesus’ name. You can drop your prayer requests in the comment box below. See you next week. SHALOM
