Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye - The Invited Guest

Text: Jonah 1:1-15
Preacher: Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye

The invited guest are people or things that you invite into your life or house. You are the one that invite them and not God. Some are friendly, while many are friendly and dangerous. You are not permitted to coexist with what God did not plan. 

God did not call Lot to follow Abraham but Abraham called Lot himself.  Check the Bible all the time Lot was with Abraham God did not fulfill his promise to Abraham. God will intervene but you must get rid of that Lot. 

The question is; who is that Lot that’s coexisting with you? The danger is if you don’t get rid of that Lot today, that Lot will get rid of you, but God forbid that for you. 

God sent Jonah to a place called to go to a place called Nineveh to warm the people there. But Jonah went to Tarshish, but that was not the plan of God for Him. But God used the wind to troubled the ship because of Jonah. 

The best way to solve any problem is to first discover the problem. There must be a discovery before a recovery.  Immediately the people discovered Jonah was the problem they reached a conclusion and threw Him into the sea and forget whatever will happen to Him. 

Whatever God ask you to do please do it. John 2:5

Jonah represent disobedient; Don’t invite it. Jonah did his wish and not God will. You must always do the Will of God - Matt 6:1.0. When there’s clash between the Will of God and your wish. Friends, do God Will. 

Jonah left the presence of God and went to somewhere else from where God sent him. Check the Bible all those who left the presence of the Lord they never went far. Cain left the presence and was destroyed. Jonah left the presence of the Lord and enter into turbulence. 

Who is that person or that thing that represents Jonah in your life. If you don’t get rid of it now, it might get rid of you. 

For Judas Iscariot, money was the invited guest and that destroyed him. To Samson, Delilah was the invited guest. For Solomon, the lust of women was the invited guest. To Abraham, Lot was the invited guest. 

Who is that invited guest, or what is that thing you invited into your life that God has not planned to coexist with you. There are certain things that lives with us that God did not call to coexist with us. 

The sea-lords got rid of Jonah and there was calmness in the sea. Get rid of Jonah in your life today before it is too late. 

Prayer Points.  
1. Father, I thank you for everything you have done for me and done through me please take all the glory.
2. Father, I uproot anything that’s planted in my life to work against me in Jesus Name.
3. Father, I command anything or anyone that represents Jonah to depart from my life and family in Jesus Name.
4. Father, please let me experience peace in my life and my family in Jesus Name.
5. Father, please don’t let me depart from your presence and don’t let your presence depart from me in Jesus Name.
6. Father, please let the wind of change blow favor, success, good health and blessings into my life and family in Jesus Name.
