Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye - The Available & The Desirable

Topic: The Available & The Desirable
Text: Genesis 26:12-14
Preacher: Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye

Many people focus on the desirable. They pay attention on what they want. But pay less attention to the available. What you have or what is in your possession is the available. Many people fail to look inward of what is available, but focus on the desirable. It can be your money or business sense or idea that’s available. Use what you have to provoke the desirable. Anything legitimate and not anything that will attract sin. Use the available to provoke the desirable. Use what you have to get what you want. You have many things friends. 

2 Kings 4:1-7: There was a certain widow who her creditors wanted to take her two sons because of her inability to pay up her debt. She ran to the man of God and the man of God ask her what she had, she then said she had a little oil and it was the same oil that wasn’t enough that the man of God used for her and she paid her debt and still have more than enough. 

Friends, look inward, what do you have now? Use the available to provoke the desirable.

Matt 17:24-27; There must be discovery before a recovery 

Luke 5:1-10; Peter used his hook to catch the first fish that carried the needed money. 

Peter used his net to catch fishes. Peter used his mouth to preach the gospel.

Peter moved from no net, to an empty net and from empty net to full net and later to a tearing net - Luke 5:6, John 21:11.

He move from tearing net and became a net -  Luke 5:10.

Peter used his mouth and caught three thousand men - Acts. 2:41

Peter used what he had to get what he needed. He release his boat to Jesus and from there moved to a higher level. 

2 Kings 2:13-14. Elisha desire to crossover and he had a mantle and he used the mantle to strike the water and the water parted. 

Don’t  just pray but act. 

Vision without provision will become a television. 

You must work and not just pray alone. 

Pray and work because hard work pays. 

Gen 26:12-14. Isaac sowed his seeds in famine 

Stop relying on the Government and find something to do for yourself. 

Don't rely on anybody, use what you have to get what you want. 

Gen 27 -  Joseph used his gift to get what he wanted. Joseph used his gift to interpret the dreams of other people then his own dream of greatness manifested and actualized. 

Look inward and take a move by using what you have to get what you want. 

1 Kings 17:10-16; The last meal of a widow was the available and she released it to a man of God and she moved from a class of not enough to more than abundance. 

Mark 10:46-52; Blind Bartimaeus desired restoration of his sight and he used what he had, his mouth to get what he wanted. 

Friends, there’s a time to speak out and there’s a time to keep quiet because they say a closed mouth is a closed destiny. 

Friends, WHAT DO YOU HAVE? Seat down and think of what you have. 

It may be business idea. It may be small money. It may be connections. Use what you have to get what you want. Using the available to provoke the desirable. Use what you have to better your life. 

What do you have? Is it a skill or talent? Use it and better your life. Think and look inward; What do you have? I am talking about things you will do and God will be happy with you.  Legitimate things is what you should do. Everything has it's own time. And everyone has their own time and season too. 

If you want God to fight your battle for you to see the end of your enemies then you need to surrender your life to God. If you want God to help you and support you then you have to accept Jesus Christ. 


Prayer Points 

1. Father, I thank you for everything you have done for me and done through me please take all the glory.

2. Father, please show me where my blessings are.

3. Father, I need a divine recommendation please recommend me to people that will favor me.

4. Father, with effect from today let my little effort provoke great results.
