Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye - The Way Up is Down

Topic: The Way Up is Down
Text: 1 Peter 5:6
Preacher: Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye

You want to go up? The way up is down. 

Every individual desire to go up. But not everyone deserves it. People who deserve it are people who pay the price. The price payers are prize getter. The price is Humility. Anyone who exalted himself will be humbled. But anyone who humbles himself will be lifted. 

Area of focus is: Luke 18:9-14

According to the passage two men; a Pharisee and a Publican. One prayer went into the voicemail and the other one was justified. 


1. Not all prayers are accepted: Most of our prayers go to the voicemail because of the content. The prayer of the Pharisee went into the voicemail because of the content while the Publican got endorsed. The Pharisee was proud of his prayers.  

Matt 7:1 - He(Pharisee) said, I’m not an unjust man, not an extortioner, and not an adulterer and not even a Publican… He justified himself as a perfect man and that God needed to bless him, but his prayers went into a voicemail because of the content in it. Don’t ever judge anybody because you are not better than anyone. 

2. The Pharisee looked down on the Publican and despised him. 

3. Self righteousness - Isaiah 64:6. The Pharisee says, he’s more righteous than the Publican. Friends, God is the judge, so don’t judge or look down for anyone. If you know how to do good and you refuse to do it then that is a sin. You are eating and someone around don’t have to eat then you have sin by not sharing. No one is perfect. 

4. The Pharisee was proud and he didn’t see the necessity of asking for mercy - Proverbs 11:2. If you have anyone who is proud and are mean to you, pls forgive them and move on because such person is on their way to destruction. 

Proverbs 16:5, Proverbs 16:18 - Pride and destruction they move together. 

Is there anything you have that was not given by God?

Nebuchadnezzar didn’t humble himself and God took away his kingdom and deform him and went him to the animal Kingdom. But thank God, he had a second chance. 

King Harold never had a second chance because he failed to give God the glory, he became food for the worms. 

James 4:6, Philippians 2:8.

The Publican went home just by one prayer, LORD HAVE MERCY ON ME.

Whether your past is terrible or not, He says I will have mercy as far as you have confess your sins and forsake them. Humble yourself and always ask for mercy. 

Proverbs 22:4 - "By humility and the fear of the Lord there are honor, riches and life". 

When you go before God, don’t tell him who you are. God knows you and everything about you. You don’t need to go praying and introducing yourself but just always ask for mercy from God. Let your prayers always be Father, have mercy on me. And forgive me for my everyday errors and mistakes. 

If you want God to elevate you, then humble yourself before God and before man. Don’t look down on anyone and don’t despise anyone. 

If you want God to be merciful unto you then you have to surrender your life unto God by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. 


Prayer Points. 

1. Father, for everything you have done for me and done through me please take all the glory.

2. Father, please give me the grace to humble myself in other to move up in life.

3. Father, I know I am not righteous, please have mercy on me and forgive all my inadequacies and all my shortcomings.

4. Father, I need pleasant surprises. Before this year runs out please surprise pleasantly.

5. Father, please protect me and every members of my family and let all of us see the end of 2024 and enter 2025 in good health.
