Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye - Be A Minister

Topic: Be A Minister
Text: Mark 10:43
Preacher: Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye

Be a minister; it is a divine expectation. It means to take care or help or render services to someone or group of people. We are expected to give or minister to the people around us.

We are focusing on these terminologies. 

1. Ministration 

2. Declaration 

3. Manifestation. 

Examples of those who ministered to the needy:  

1. A widow minister to Elijah because Elijah was in need -1 Kings 17.  After she ministered to him then there was a declaration form Elijah to her - 1 Kings 17:14. And there was manifestation after -1 Kings 17:16. 

2. Abraham minister to three strangers:
He gave them water and food. And there was a declaration after Abraham ministered to them - Gen 18:10. There was a manifestation after - Gen 21:1-2.

3. Lot ministered to two Angels - Gen 19:
After Lot ministered to the angels there was a declaration and manifestation. 

4. A woman ministered to Elisha - 2 Kings 4:8-17: There was a declaration after the ministration - 2 kings 4:16. And then after was manifestation - 2 kings 4:17.

Ministration must come first, after which a declaration is made on the one who ministers, then manifestation will show forth. 

5. Gen 27:4 - Isaac wanted Esau to minister to Him so he can bless him, but Jacob hijacked it and got blessed (Isaac declared over him). There was manifestation in the life of Jacob - Gen 35:10-12.

You can minister to the world, and you can minister to your parents. If you minister to your parents and they declare over you, you will be blessed and live long. 

Do you want God to water you? Then minister first - Luke 6:38.

The people you minister to may not be there to reward you but God who saw your needs will be there to reward and repay you.  

These three terminologies are inseparable; Once you minister; declaration will follow and manifestation will show up. 

Elisha minister to Elijah…. (Servant and Master relationship)
Jacob ministered to Isaac… (Son and Father relationship)

Minister to God by giving your life. You can give God money and He will appreciate it, but the best gift you can give God is for your life to minister to Him. 

Accept Jesus Christ today and be saved. 

Prayer Points

1. Father, I thank you for everything you have done for me and done through me, please take all the glory.

2. Father, as I minister to others from today please let my destiny helpers locate me.

3. Father, please bless my helpers and don’t let them suffer lack and take evil far away from them .

4. Father, as this year is about to expire, I and my family will not expire with the year.
