Thy Will Be Done

TEXT: GENESIS 26:1-4 & 12-14

God did not create you to be a spectator; God formed you to make things happen. If you do God’s will, He will do your own wish, i.e. if you rest in the Lord, He will take care of the rest. God’s will for us is to seek the object first and the shadow will be added unto us, Matthew 6:33. Unfortunately, many people are pursuing the shadow, leaving the object behind them.
“Thy will be done” is a prayer. In Luke 11:2, Jesus was teaching His disciples how to pray, one of the payer points He taught them is “thy will be done on earth as in Heaven”. If you want to get to Heaven, you must do the will of God here on earth. If you want your tomorrow to be better and not bitter, you must do God’s will. It is not optional, it is mandatory. Are you doing God’s will?
·         One can do God’s will voluntarily
·         One can be compelled to do God’s will – Jonah 1
·         One can refuse to do God’s will: The consequences are not palatable. Refusal to the God’s will, will lead to death. Examples
are King Saul and Adam & Eve.

According to the above bible passage, Isaac’s wish was to relocate to Egypt in order to avoid the famine in the land but God’s will for him was to remain in the land of famine. Isaiah 55:8 tells me God’s ways differ from man’s ways. Isaac obeyed divine instruction and he reaped the following rewards
1.       God blessed him: Blessings have locations. If Isaac had relocated to Egypt, he would have experienced doom instead of boom. It is not the wages of a man that makes him rich, it is the blessing of the Lord, Proverbs 10:22. Do you desire God’s blessings? Then do His will (obey Him) always.
2.       God made Isaac very great.
3.       Isaac made it to the level of envy.
4.       Isaac became a topic.
5.       Isaac was loaded.

Do God’s will and He will reward you. In Luke 5:1-10, Peter did the will of Jesus, he released his boat and he was rewarded with a boat sinking catch.

1.       Father, according to Psalm 143:10a, please give me the grace to do your will all the time in Jesus’ name.
2.       Father, let your perfect will prevail in my life
3.       Every object used to monitor my life, catch fire now in Jesus’ name.
4.       Every agent of the devil, who has been assigned to monitor my life, be paralyzed in Jesus’ name.

God bless you and may your payers be answered in Jesus’ name. You can drop your prayer requests in the comment box below. See you next week. SHALOM!!
