Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye - Divine Renewal
Text: Isaiah 43:18-19
Preacher: Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye
Your life is renewable, therefore, don’t write your conclusions yet because your tomorrow will be better.
To renew is to return to a Former state.
To renew is to bring Into something better.
1. By washing or cleaning them: You can make things clean by washing them. Naaman had to go to Jordan rival before he was renewed and cleansed. Today we don’t need to go to any rival and why because the blood of Jesus cleanses us form all sin - 1 John 1:7.
2. People and things can be renewed by refining or purifying them: Like the goldsmith, if they want to renew the gold they put it into fire - Mal 3:3. It is not to destroy the gold but to purifying it.
3. People and things can be renewed by painting or polishing them: When you polish your leather shoes they will shine brighter.
4. You can be renewed through packing.
5. Divine renewal can also be through salvation - 2 Cor 5:17.
i. Formation - God created man and created it perfectly.
ii. Deformation - Satan came and deform man through Sin.
iii. Transformation - Jesus came and transformed us.
iv. Information - The Bible informs us.
Area of focus: 2 Kings 5:1-2
Naaman was a great man but there was a but in his life; He was Captain, he was a great man, he was honorable. Through him, Syria was delivered. He was a man of valor but he was a leper.
Some people laugh at the but of other people. Don’t laugh at other people's infirmity. Naaman had a but that defers medication and his money can’t cure him either. Naaman needed help and God used destiny helpers for him. God used king to write a letter to a king. God used a little maid to inform him. God used prophet Elisha to help him. Naaman preferred other rivers to Jordan but his servant pleaded with him to go to Jordan and he did - 2 kings 5:14.
Naaman got his healing because he obeyed the instructions of the man of God.
Friends, you don’t need to go to any river because the blood of Jesus can cleanse you from all sin and sickness. Like Naaman, there’s hope for you.
If Naaman can be renewed, if Lazarus could come back alive, if Jesus can be resurrected, then your life can be renewed. Difficult roads often leads to beautiful destinations. Whatever you are passing through today and you think it’s a problem; no it is not a problem but a fore-runner to your greatness. Nothing can happen to a child of God without the knowledge of God. He knows everything that you are going through and He allows it so that it can bring glory to His name.
The man of God gave Naaman an instruction and Naaman did not obey because he preferred other rivers to Jordan. But he later obeyed and experienced divine renewal.
The man of God never ask him for money. But just simple Obedience. If you want God to help you then surrender your life to Him by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
It is a simple instructions; ACCEPT JESUS TODAY AND BE SAVED. Let God help you and it is possible. Your life is renewable if only you will turn to God.
Prayer Points.
1. Father, I thank you for everything you have done for me and done through me please take all the glory.
2. Father, I must be clean please wash me with the blood of Jesus today.
3. Father, I want to shine, please polish me, please refine and please purify me and like gold anything you did not plant in my body, please remove it.
4. Father, Wherever my destiny helpers are today please command them to locate me.
5. Father, let me experience divine renewal beginning from today.
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