There's Time for Everything - Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye

Topic: There's Time for Everything
Text: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Preacher: Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye 

There’s a time for everything and everyone, I pray you will not miss your time. Every day that passes moves us nearer to the grave. For everyone of us, one Day there will be no tomorrow. In God’s timetable everything has its time and season. 

To everything there’s a time and a time for every purpose under the earth. Whatever you are passing through now; is not going to be permanent. 

At arrival a birth certificate is issued. And at departure you get a death certificate and this certificate is useless to the owner. 

There’s a time of arrival and a time of departure. 

There’s time to weep and a time to laugh - Psalm 30:5. If you are weeping now you won’t remain there forever cause your time of laugh will come and it is now. 

There’s the set time or the appointed time. Don’t envy or imitate anyone.

You started before me doesn’t mean you will better than I later in future. 

If your appointed time has not come then wait on the Lord. Habakkuk 2:3. Your time will surely come. 

Your Year and  Season will surely come. 

If a woman is pregnant and you pray the baby comes after one month of pregnancy but that won’t happen until the appointed time which is 9 months. If you want to see a mature baby then there’s an appointed time. Stop being in a hurry - Lamentations 3:25.

If your appointed hasn’t come then don’t be in a hurry. Don’t cut corners in life. You have to reject the devil’s offer if you want to go far in life. 

Psalm 102:13 - There’s a set time.

There’s a time of sowing and there’s a time to harvest - Gen 8:22. It is your seed or your sowing that determines your harvest. It is your casting that will determine your catching.  When Peter cast a hook he caught a fish but when he cast a net he had a net broking and boat sinking catch. 

Are you saving enough? It is what you save is what you will invest on. 

There’s a time for trouble - Psalm 9:9. He will hide you in times of trouble. Psalm 27:5.

Psalm 41:1, Psalm 50:14.

There’s a time for everything. 

Be prepared for the good, the bad and the ugly. 

If there’s no problem there won’t be a miracle and if there are no miracle then there won’t be a testimony. If you have a problem already then you are qualified for testimony.  

There’s a time to work and a time to rest - John 9:4. Work while it is Day. If you are resting when you are supposed to be working, you are calling for problems. You may see Greatness but if you are not working towards it then you are on your own. Work while it is Day because night comment while no man can work. 

Take care of your parents and give them meat why they still have teeth. If you have a spouse that doesn’t want you to take care of your parents then disobey him or her. If they pray for you, no medicated soup can wash it off you. Take care of your parents so they can pray for you form their heart. This is their evening so take care of them. Give your parents a befitting life and don’t wait for them to die before you give them a befitting bury. 

There’s a time of passing through and there’s a time of breakthrough. Friends, are you passing through? please don’t be discouraged because you will surely breakthrough and come out well - Psalm 66:12, Isaiah 43:2. Are you passing through any storm? I want you to know that your present location is not going to be your final destination.  

As Long as you are in Christ and doing what Christ likes you to do, then your tomorrow will be better and not bitter. What you are passing through maybe because of you tomorrow. 

There’s a time for everything. Don’t be too much in a hurry. The good things you are running after now will soon run after you. 

There’s a time of reward. A time when you will give account of your stewardship. Things you do in the secret and open, you will give accounts. - Matt 25:14. There are the unproductive servants. And will be condemned. 

On the last days what kind of recommendation would you like to get? There’s condemnation and there is recommendations. There’s Heaven and Hell. It is what you do that will determine where you are going to.  The news is reward is coming. You will receive rewards for your good deeds and your evil deeds. There is a Register in heaven and it is the book of life and if your name is not find there then Hell is real. Surrender your life to Jesus Christ and God will help you. 


Prayer Points

1. Father, I thank you for everything you have done for me and done through me, please take all the glory.

2. Father, please remove my names and my family from any evil register.

3. Father, please have mercy on me and cancel any judgement that will stand against me at the last days.

4. Father, I am still in your waiting list, please Lord remember me ooh Lord. 

5. Father, I am passing through now, please let my breakthrough come now.

6. Father, Please take me and my family out of Marah(bitterness) and take Marah(bitterness)  out of us also.
