Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye - The Cloud of Glory

Topic: The Cloud of Glory
Text: Ecclesiastes 3
Preacher: Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye

There’s a cloud that provoke rain; whenever you see it, you know rain will fall. It is a friendly cloud. 

There’s another cloud that provoke problems. It is an unfriendly cloud. 

There’s a cloud of glory. This cloud provoke blessings and glory of the Lord - Ex 40:34-35.

It is possible to see God’s glory - John 11:40.

Ex 24:16. The glory of God can abide in one’s life; When people see you they will see the glory of God in your life. 

Friends, the glory of God will abide in your life. 

1 Samuel 34:22 - Glory can depart. 

Psalm 4:2 - Glory can turn to Shame. 

2 Corinthians 3:18 - One can move from glory to glory. 

Psalm  24:8 - Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong in Mighty. 

Psalm 24:10 - The Lord of Host is the King of Glory. 

2 Chronicles 6:13-14

2 Chronicles 20:20 - Jehoshaphat and his praise team went to the battle front and they sang "For His Mercy endure forever". And the Lord fought for them and they hold their peace. 

If you can render the same song to God, there will be a miracle.  God’s people loaded the cloud of glory and the Lord manifest. God dwells in the praise of His people. Sing praises to our King. When you praise God, you are loading the cloud. 


1. When praise goes up, there’s will be a divine intervention. 2 Chronicles 20:20-25 - Jehoshaphat appoint praise singers and when they do that God intervention. Acts 16:25-26. 

2. When praise goes up, God is glorified. Psalm 50:23a - All glory belongs to God. Don’t share the glory that belongs to God with anyone.

3. When praise goes up, blessings comes down. Psalm 67:5-6 - Let the people praise thee, then the earth will yield it increase. 

4. When praise goes up, wealth can change hands - 2 Chronicles 20 - After Jehoshaphat and his praise team praise God. God killed all their enemies and they took three days to pack the spoils of their enemies.  

5. When praise goes up, we provoke God's presence. That’s what Jehoshaphat and his praise team did - Psalm 22:3, Psalm 100:4. Praise attracts the presence of the Lord. 

6. When praise goes up, God is Happy. Do you get angry with anyone praising you?

When praise goes up, the cloud of glory will manifest and the presence of God is there, the power of God is there and the blessings of God is there. 

It is not about asking and asking. But always praise God for what He has done and yet to do. 

He says come unto me all Ye that have labored and heavy laden, He says I will help you and I will give you Rest. If you want God to help then surrender your life to God by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. God can not lie. He’s the truth. If He says He will help you; He will surely Help you. 


Prayer Points 

1.  Father, thank you for everything you have done for me and done through me please take all the glory.

2. Father, I have just loaded the cloud by praising you, please let my rain of blessings fall.

3. Father, let everything created by you, begin to work in my favor from today.
