Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye - The Devil's Offer

Topic: The Devil's Offer
Text: John 10:10
Preacher: Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye

Whether you believe it or not, God has many things to offer. The devil also has plenty to offer. The devil is a seeker, seeking for anyone to devour. His mission is in John 10:10.

1 Peter 5:8 calls the devil your adversary. The people who accepted the devil’s offer did not go far in life. The devil offer is a bait. The devil’s offer comes in attractive packages - Mark 4:2-10. The devil’s offer may come in an ungodly advice, but you have the choice to say No - 2 Samuel 13. The devil’s always lead to destruction.

Friends, always reject bad advice because it always has bad rewards. Adam and Eve accepted the devil’s offer then God pronounced curses on them and they carried evil load till the end of their lives. Those who accepted the devil’s offer never go fall in life. Gen 39:7-23 - Joseph rejected the devil’s offer and he went far in life. 

The devil offer may come in form of money. Money is meant to be a servant to men and not a master. Money is supposed to be running after you inasmuch as you are where you God wants you to be. Work while it is day because the night comes when no man can work. Matt 26:15 - Judas Iscariot accepted the devil’s offer to betray Jesus and he didn’t go far in life. Don’t let money control you.

The devil’s offer may come in form of food or drink or both - 1 Kings 15.

Friends, an invitation to join any secret society or group it is the devil’s offer pls don’t accept it. An invitation to disobey God is a devil’s offer. An invitation to fight or kill is the devil’s offer. Don’t allow two minutes anger cost you; your future and destiny. An invitation to do money ritual is the devil’s offer. A desire to steal is the devil’s offer, reject it. Whatever is not of God is the devil’s offer. 

Friends, be careful because Satan is going about; if he hasn’t come to your area he’s busy somewhere and he still has plan to come, so watch it and reject the devil’s offer.

JESUS is the only source, all other grounds are sinking sand. Who you follow will determine what will follow you. Who are you following? 

There’s no enjoyment that will last inasmuch as it comes from the devil. The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and adds no sorrow with it.

Accept Jesus Christ today and He will give you REST.

Prayer Points. 

1. Father, thank you sir for everything you have done for me and done through me, please take all the glory.

2. Father, let the devil and his angels fail over me and my family.

3. Father, please give me the grace to reject the devil’s offer in order to go far in life.

4. Father, I want to go far in life, please push me, carry me and lift me to go far in life.
