Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye - Beyond Redemption

Topic: Beyond Redemption
Text: Ezekiel 37:1-9
Preacher: Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye

There are some situations that are considered hopeful, hopeless, irreversible, irredeemable or beyond redemption. Friends, nothing is beyond redemption with God - Luke 18:27.

I don’t know what the medicals have told you but there’s nothing impossible with God - Luke 1:37, Jeremiah 32:27. With God, no situation or conditions is beyond redemption. 

We are focusing on five categories. 

1. Whole or Well: There are well and there are whole and are like machine that functions properly - Matthew 9:12. 

2. The Sick: The good news is our Lord is a healer - Exodus 15:26b, Deuteronomy 32:39, Psalm 107:20. The Word of the lord will heal you and deliver you - Psalm 103:3, Psalm 147:6, Jeremiah 3:23, Jeremiah 30:17. Matthew 4:23 - Jesus went about healing all manner of people and sickness. God will heal you. 

3. God has the power to raise the dead. Or anything that’s dead in your lives - Matt 9:18-25, Luke 7:12. Jesus will touch you today and any good thing  that’s dead in your life will come back alive. 

4. The Dead and Stinking - John 11. Lazarus passed through a stage that was considered beyond redemption. Jesus called Lazarus by name and the grave heard his voice and released Lazarus. 

5. The very Dry Bones: God asked a man, can this dry bones live again?. Friends, can you still make it in life? Can you still bounce back? The case of Job was considered over and beyond redemption, but God restored him of all in double. If job could bounce back, then every lost glory in your life will bounce back. The bones were not just dry but they were very dry bones. God told the man to prophesy on the bones and the very dry bones came back alive and became a very mighty armies. God is able to restore you no matter the situation you may be in life.

Which category do you belong? No matter the situation you are in now and even if considered beyond redemption? The power of God is able and capable to solve all of your problems and turn them to testimonies. Your case is not beyond redemption. 

Humanly speaking, certain situations can be considered beyond redemption but with God everything is possible - Mark 9:23; Jesus said "just believe in God". 

Matthew 11:20. Jesus said come unto me all ye that have labored and heavy laden I will give you rest.

Do you need Help? Jesus wants to help. Salvation is free. If you need help then accept Jesus Christ today as your Lord and Savior. 


Prayer Points

1. Father, I thank you for everything you have done for me and done through me, please take all the glory.

2. Father, I need a divine touch please touch me and make me whole, touch my business and let it prosper; touch my finances and let it flourish.

3. Father, please speak today and let everything that is holding me captive to release me now and let me go.

4. Father, I prophesy everything that is considered beyond redemption, be reversed.
