Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye - The Disconnected

Topic: The Disconnected
Text: Luke 15:11-24
Preacher: Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye

To disconnect is to detach or to remove. The disconnected or the disconnect are people who claim to know Jesus but Jesus do not know them. These are Christians who have lost the mantle because of title. Many have their names written in the church register but not in the Book of life. When you disconnect. you are dead. When you reconnect, you are alive. 

Area of focus is: Luke 15:11-24

This is the story of a prodigal son. The passage is a story of two sons, but we are focusing on the young son. The younger son enjoyed life and later life started to enjoy him and he suffered greater.

1. Connection; you can be connected. 

2. Disconnection. 

3. Reconnection.  

This younger son was connected to his father but he became a lost and dead son when he was disconnected. He became a found and celebrated son when he returned back to his father. 

He had everything he wanted when he was with his father. 

His father made the desirable available for him when he was connected to his father. 

However he made a costly mistake when he was disconnected from his source. A river that is disconnected from his source will soon dry up. 

Check the Bible all the people who disconnected from their source they suffered: The prodigal, Jonah. 

He had many friends because of the wealth he got from his father. But when his money finished they left him. 

He later woke up and returned to his father. He said it and took a move. And His father accepted him again. f he had not go back, he would have died a poor man. 

Many of us have disconnected form our source. We pray and we fast. But the less we receive. Why? Because we are disconnected from our source. 

If you are where God wants you to be and you do what God wants you to do; things shouldn’t be this hard. We are under grace. Jesus came to die so you and I can live. Jesus became poor so you and I can be rich. The problem is we are disconnected. 

The younger son took a decision and it did it at the right time. If the father had died before he returned he would have been doomed. 

Mommy Hannah said. for with strength shall no man prevail. And Jesus said. without me ye can do nothing. Where are the results of your prayers and fasting? Oh you think you can bribe or deceive God? Never. He said you can not be living in sin and expect the grace to abide. 

It is not too late to turnaround because you are still alive. It is not too late for anyone to start afresh. 

Are you connected? God wants us to come back to Him. The good news is someone had paid for your reconnection. JESUS PAID THE PRIZE. 

Is your name written in the BOOK OF LIFE?

You are coming to church and give your money to make the church a better place, but what is going to happen to you at the end of time?

The prodigal son return back home and was reconnected. 

Return to God today because tomorrow might be too late. The prodigal son became an object of pity when he was disconnected but later became an object of envy when he was reconnected. Surrender your life to God today and be reconnected. 

Accept Jesus Christ today and be saved.  

Prayer Points. 

1. Father, I thank you that I am still alive, pls take all the glory.

2. Father, I cry unto you today, please have mercy on me.

3. Father,  please reconnect me and let me enjoy your full benefits.

4. Father, now that I am back home please open another chapter for me, a better chapter and chapter of victory.
