Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye- Samuel Saw Saul



Many eyes look but few eyes see.
According to 1 Samuel 9:17, “Samuel saw Saul”

Who was Samuel?
To Saul, Samuel was a destiny helper.
To Saul, Samuel was not just a man of God, he was also a man from God; a man God sent to make Saul fulfill his destiny.
To Saul, Samuel was a leader and a ladder.

Samuel and Saul didn’t know each other but God arranged a meeting between them; it was a divine meeting; a meeting of change; a meting of a new chapter.
Brethren, you need someone in order to get somewhere in life. It was a good problem that led Saul to Samuel. Some problems are considered good; for example, any problem that leads one to Christ or that delivers a miracle is a good problem.

Certain things happened during of the meeting between Saul and Samuel;
1.       It was a divine recommendation: God spoke to Samuel about Saul – 1 Samuel 9:17.
2.       There were revelations about the missing asses, about what would happen to Saul on the way and about the kingdom.
3.       Saul was anointed as a King: Saul was not elected, he was appointed – 1 Samuel 10:1.
4.       Saul prophesied – 1 Samuel 10:9&10.
5.       Saul was blessed – 1 Samuel 10:3&4.

All the aforementioned became possible after Samuel saw Saul.
Who is your Samuel?
Saul discovered his Samuel before he fulfilled his destiny. There must be a discovery before a recovery.
In Acts 3:1-8, the crippled beggar at the beautiful gate discovered Peter (his helper) before he was made whole.
In 1 Samuel 1:12-20, Hannah encountered Eli (her helper) before her problems of many years received a divine solution.
In 1 Kings 17, the woman of Zarephath encountered Elijah (her helper) before she moved from the class of not enough to the class of more than enough.

Like you and I, Saul had a background but God did not allow his background put him on the ground. According to 1 Samuel 9:21, Saul’s tribe was the smallest among the tribes of Israel and his family was the least among all the families of Benjamin. Despite his   background, God still chose him and recommended him to be a king.

1.       Father, like Saul, please recommend me to my Samuel.
2.       Father, please let every problems in my life receive a divine solution.
3.       Father, you’re the unchangeable changer, please change my life for better.
4.       Father, like Saul, please bless me physically and spiritually Jesus’ name
