A Closed Mouth - Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye

Topic: A Closed Mouth
Text: Psalm 135:15-18
Preacher: Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye

There is a time for everyone and everything. There’s a time to be silent and to speak out. Speak when you have something to say. Wise men speak because they have something to say, but fools speak because they have to say something. 

Many people believe that speech is silver while silence is golden. But fine many people are suffering in silence but still manage to smile and if you are one of those people it is a time to speak because a closed mouth is a closed destiny. You are not an idol but human, so you have to speak out so you can be heard. 

Blind Bartimaeus cried out for mercy - Mark 1.0:48. Friends, if blind Bartimaeus had closed his mouth the day he met Jesus, he would have been blind forever. 

Silence is golden but you must speak up;

1. When you need Help - Matthew 14:30-31, 2 Kings 4:1-7. The poor widow spoke out when she needed help.
Prayer: Father, I need help, please intervene in my situation today.

2.  When you are tired of Bondage/Oppression - Ex 2:23-24. The children of Israel endured pains and hardship but, when they can no longer endure, they cried out and God heard their cry and delivered them - Psalm 22:5.
Prayer: Father, I am tired of suffering, please deliver me form poverty, sickness, failure and all my oppressors.

3. You must open your mouth to Pray: God still answers prayers. Don’t give up. Don’t lose heart. Pray until something good happens -1 Thessalonians 5:17.
Prayer: Father, I am still here, I need a divine touch please touch me and my family.

4. You must open your mouth to Testify: You have listened and heard of the testimony of others; you too must testify - Revelations 12:11.
Prayer: Father, before June expires please let me testify.

5. You must open your mouth to Praise God - Psalm 40:3a. God will put a new song in your mouth. 
Prayer: Father, please open a new chapter in my life so I can sing a new song.

6. You must open your mouth to Give God Thanks - 1 Thessalonians 5:18.We only give thanks to God when something good happens. Even when something bad happens, give thanks because you don’t know why. In as much as you are still alive, give thanks always. God can use anything for you. In everything weather it is good or bad thank God. He knows the beginning from the ending. 

7. You are expected to open your mouth to Eat the Fruits of your Labor: When it is time to eat you won’t be found wanting. Friends, take care of your parents and family. Whenever you bless your parents they will bless you and pray for you and no medicated soup can erase it. 

8. You must open your mouth to Laugh: There’s a time of sorrow and there’s a time for laugher - Psalm 30:5. All your pains will soon end in praise - Luke 6:21b. Friends, it doesn’t matter what you are passing through now you will laugh and glorify God. 

9. You must open your mouth to Preach the Gospel - Mark 16:15. God says go. How many have come to the knowledge of salvation through you. God didn’t make a mistake saving you. Tell people about Jesus today. 

10. You must open your mouth to Shout of Hallelujah: The shouting side is the winning side. No matter the battle you are fighting today you will shout hallelujah.

Do you want God to help you? Then surrender your life to God by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  Come to Jesus today and He will give you REST. 

