Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye - Divine Attention

Topic: Divine Attention
Text: Mark 10:46-52
Preacher: Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye 

According to the text, Bartimaeus had a rough and an ugly background but God didn’t allow his background to put him on the ground. One Day he cried out for help and Jesus gave him attention and his eyes was restored.



1. Could it be because he called his name? Remember when ten lepers called his name, Jesus gave them attention. Peter called his name and He gave him attention. 

2.  Could it be because he called for help? - Psalm 72:12. If crying out was the reason JESUS gave him attention then you too need to cry out. 

3. Could it because he didn’t like the way the people wanted to shut him up?

4. Could it be because he asked for mercy? All the people cried out for mercy got attention - Luke 17:12-19, Luke18:10-14. Mercy plays a prominent role in the sight of God. 

5. Could it because he believed and JESUS wanted to reward him for that? - Mark 9:23.

6. Could it because of the condition of blind Bartimaeus? - Romans 9:23.

7. Could it because Jesus knew that blind Bartimaeus will become his follower if he had mercy on him? - Mark 10:52b

8. Could it because he placed himself at the right location? Friends, your location can determine your allocation. Please stay where God can locate you. 

9. Could it be because he ignored distractions and focused on Jesus alone? - Hebrew 12:2. Focus on Jesus alone. You must ignore the devil’s offer in other to go far in life. 

10. Could it be because he was where God wanted him to be? If he was at another street, maybe he would have missed that day of the restoration of his sight. Friends, are you where God wants you to be?

If you want Jesus to give you attention then you have to be where he will be able to locate and help you. Come to JESUS today and He will give you attention and give you REST. Surrender your life to God by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. 


Prayer Points. 

1. Father, I thank you for everything you have done for me and done through me, please take all the glory.

2. Father, I cry unto you today please have mercy on me.

3. Father, I believe that you will help me, please let my bitter story to change for a better one and give me better story to tell from today.

4,. Father, like Job please open chapter 42 for me.

5. Father,  I will follow you, please bless me today.
