The Devil's Offer - Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye


The Devil is a seeker. He walks about seeking those to devour – 1 Peter 5:8.
The Devil is both a killer and a destroyer; His missions according to John 10:10 are to steal, to kill and to destroy.
The Devil is an enemy and not a friend.

*The devil’s offer can be accepted and it can be rejected; so the choice is yours.
*The people who accepted the devil’s offer never went far in life; therefore, you must reject the devil’s offer if you want to go far in life.
*The devil’s offer is BAIT; it is meant to capture or to enslave people.
*The devil’s offer comes in attractive packages.

 According to the passage, Jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights. Satan knew that he was hungry so he said to Jesus “If thou be the son of God, command that these stones be made bread.” Jesus rejected the devil’s offer in order to go far.

The devil’s offer may come in the form of devilish or ungodly advice; according 2 Samuel 13, Amnon accepted the devil’s offer. If he had rejected the devil’s offer, he would have lived longer and fulfill his destiny. Also in Genesis 3, Adam and Eve accepted the devil’s offer and God pronounced a curse on them.

The devil’s offer may come in form of temptation; in Genesis 39:7-23, Joseph rejected the devil’s offer and he went far in life; he became a blessing.

The devil’s offer may come in form of money; in Matthew 26:15, Judas accepted the devil’s offer and he ended badly.
The devil’s offer may come in form of food or drinks; in 1 Kings 13, the young prophet never went far because he took the devil’s offer.

An invitation to join any evil society/group/club is the devil’s offer.
Any invitation to disobey God is the devil’s offer.
An invitation to do evil is the devil’s offer.
An invitation to fight or to revenge is the devil’s offer.
The urge to steal is the devil’s offer.
An invitation to do money ritual is the devil’s offer
Whatever is not of God is the devil’s offer, so, you must reject it in order to go far.
Jesus is the only source; all other ground is sinking sand.

1.       Father, the tempter failed over Jesus, please let the devil and his angels fail over me.
2.       Father, please give me the grace to reject the devil’s offer.
3.       Father, I want to go far in life, please push/carry/lift me.

God bless you and may your payers be answered in Jesus’ name. You can drop your prayer requests in the comment box below. See you next week. SHALOM!!
