Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye - The Power of the Mouth

Topic: The Power of the Mouth
Text: Proverbs 2:6, 18:7
Preacher: Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye

The words that we speak carry creative ability. Therefore watch what you say. Because sometimes you have what you say. They say, Wise men speak because they have something to say, but fool speaks because they have to say something. 

A man lied to King David that he killed king Saul, thinking he will be rewarded and David ordered he should be killed. So what put that man into trouble? His mouth.

Power of life and death is in the tongue - Proverbs 18:21.   

Anything you don’t want in your life don’t say or claim it. There’s power in your mouth therefore use your mouth to pray, to decree and say positive things all the time. Don’t say anything you don’t want to have in your life. Friends, whenever  you are angry if you can’t speak good things then don’t talk. 

- Mark 1.0:46-52 - Blind Bartimaeus cried out for help. 

- Mark 5:25-34 - The woman with the issue of blood said if I may touch his hem of his garment I will be made while. 

- 2 Kings 1:10 - Elijah said to the men that came to arrest him; if I be a man of God let fire fall from heaven and consume you and your fifty and fire fell and consume them. 

- 2 kings 1:12 - Same thing happened to the second Captain and his fifty according to the word of Elijah. 

Friends, So what are you using your mouth to say? Always use the power of the mouth to say good things because it is what you say that will always manifest in your life.

- Gen 22:7-8 - God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son and in obedience he took his son, but on the way the son ask his father behold we have fire, we have wood but where is the burnt offering that we will sacrifice, and Abraham answered back that God will provide it. And God provided for real. 

- 2 Kings 4:17-26 - Elisha asked the woman is it well with your husband, yourself and your child and she answered it is well even with a death child at home and it was well and the dead child was restored back to life. 

- 1 Samuel 17:1-end - Goliath believed in the power of his mighty, but David believed in the power of his mouth by trusting in God.  David said I come against you with the name of the Lord and I will destroy you (Goliath).

By strength shall no man prevail - 1 Samuel 2:9, Zechariah 4:6b. 

Who do you rely on? God or man?

Goliath went to the battle field with weapon of war, but David went with the presence of the Lord. 

Always say to yourself… I WILL PROSPER.

Always thank God and speak good things to your Life. 

If you want the Lord to fight your battle today then you need to be on the Lord's side. You have to surrender your life to God by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. 


Prayer Points

1. Father, I thank you for everything you have done for me and done through me please take all the glory.

2. Father, throughout this year 2024, I will never suffer lack.

3. Father, wherever I go let the doors of favor open for me.

4. Father, fight my battles and grant me victory without a fight.

5. Father, the Lord of Host please bring down the Goliath that is terrorizing me and my family progress.
