Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye - The Wind of Change

Topic: The Wind of Change
Text: Isaiah 43:18-19
Preacher: Pastor J.T. Kalejaiye

Wind of Change is for sure. Everyone desire a change but unfortunately not everyone deserve it. If you are a child of God, I congratulate you because your Change is certain. So don’t write your conclusion yet because by this time tomorrow your change will speak. Don’t write your conclusions yet because your present location is not your final destination.

WIND is one of God powerful messenger. It can come from anywhere.

Ex 1.0:19. The Lord used West wind.
Ex 14:21. The Lord used East Wind.
Acts 28;13b. The Lord used South Wind.
Proverbs 25:23b. The Lord used the North wind. 

Wind have ears to hear the word of the Lord and also obey the Lord. Matt 8:26-27.

AREA OF FOCUS IS:: Mark 5:24-34.

This is the story of the woman with the issue of blood and she said to herself if I may touch the hem of his garment that she will made Whole and so it was for her. She touched Jesus garment and her fountain of issue of blood dried up. The wind of change blew on the woman popularly known as the woman with the issue of blood but after the touch her story changed for the better. 

There are good problems and there are bad problems. Any problem that leads to a miracle is a good one.  Any problem that will lead you to Christ id also a good one. The woman had a good problem, the issue of blood and it leads to a miracle and also lead her to Christ. 

That woman took her problem to JESUS Christ. Check the Bible, all those who ran to Jesus for help got what they wanted. Blind Bartimaeus took his problem to JESUS and his sight was stored. Ten lepers took their problem to JESUS and was cleansed. Vain is the help of a man. 

Psalm 60:11, Psalm 121:1-2, Matt 11:28.

The woman touched the garment of Jesus. Jesus said without me ye can do nothing. So you need Jesus to meet all your problems. You may ask how can I touch Jesus when I am not seeing him, if you cannot touch him by hand, your prayers can touch him. Your hospitality can touch Him. Your gift can touch Him. How did King Solomon touch God? He gave a thousand burnt offering. Your prayers, praise, worship, and your obedience can touch Him. 

The woman believed and had faith - Mark 9:23b. Jesus said to her, thy faith has made you whole. After the woman touched Jesus garment her fountain of blood dry up. 

It is only those is Christ that are secured. If you are not in Christ then you will have crisis. Don’t take your problems to a man. But take it to Jesus. When the woman of the issue of blood took her problem to a man, it consume her body and purse, and there was no result but when she took it to JESUS without spending a dime she got what she wanted. 

Stop coexisting with the problems of your life today but take it to Jesus because He already promised to help you and give you REST if you come to HIM. 

Surrender your life to God today by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior.


Prayer Points

1. Father, I thank you for what you have done for me and done through me please take all the glory.

2. Father, I have come to you this morning please let the wind of change blow in my favor.

3. Father, please let the wind of change to reposition to a better place.

4. Father, let the wind blow away anything you did not plant in my life.
